Ich bin froh, dass du auf meinem Blog bist.
Name ist Simona, ich bin 53 Jahre alt, 30 davon in Timisoara in Rumänien gelebt
und der Rest in Berlin. Ich
habe seit einigen Jahren ein Hobby entdeckt und jetzt habe endlich dafür Zeit. Ich
mag die Inneneinrichtung sehr, diy Projekte, Recycling Projekte, Vintage, viel
zu kombinieren und ständig zu ändern. Nicht
dass ich es nicht mehr mag, sondern weil ich neue Ideen habe.
hatte 19 Jahre ein Kosmetikstudio in
Berlin gehabt, der mir sehr viel Spaß, Anerkennung und Freude gebracht hat. Deshalb
musste ich eine Rubrik "Beauty"
integrieren, in der ich meine Erfahrungen teilen kann und hoffe so vielen Menschen
wie möglich zu helfen.
Reisen sind eine
weitere Leidenschaft für mich. Ich mag es,
die Welt, Gewohnheiten, Menschen und Orte zu kennen. Ich
werde dir die Ideen, Typen und Erfahrungen geben, die ich erlebt habe. Ich
lese selber viel und lasse ich mich von
Internet inspirieren bevor ich irgendwo vereise.
Nach Empfehlung mehrere Freunde und Bekannte habe ich diesem Blog angefangen zu schreiben. Ich habe keine Ahnung, was herauskommen wird. Ich
würde gerne deine Kommentare lesen, sie werden mir sehr helfen und deshalb
danke ich dir herzlich.
Buna! Ma bucur mult ca te afli pe blogul meu!
Ma numesc Simona, am 53 de ani dintre care 30 i-am trait in Timisoara iar restul in Berlin. Mi-am descoperit de cativa ani un hobby pe care acum am timp in sfarsit sa-l dezvolt. Imi plac foarte mult decoratiile interioare, sa le fac (diy), sa le reciclez, sa le dau o noua identitate si sa le schimb mereu. Nu ca nu mi-ar mai placea, ci pur si simplu imi vin idei noi.
Am avut 19 ani un cabinet cosmetic in Berlin pe care l-am construit de la zero si care mi-a adus multe satisfactii. De aceea n-am putut sa nu trec in blog si o rubrica "Beauty" unde vreau sa impartasesc din experienta mea si sa ajut cat mai multe persoane.
Calatoriile sunt o alta pasiune a mea. I-mi place sa cunosc lumea, obiceiuri, oameni si locuri. Va voi da idei si voi scrie despre experientele ce le-am trait. Si eu citesc mult si ma inspir din internet inainte de a pleca intr-o calatorie.
Am inceput sa scriu acest blog la indemnul mai multor prieteni si cunostiinte. Habar n-am ce o sa iasa. M-as bucura tare mult sa-mi trimiteti comentarii, ma vor ajuta si de aceea va multumesc din suflet.
Hi! I'm so glad you're on my blog!
My name is Simona, I'm 53, 30 of them lived in Timisoara and the rest in Berlin. I have discovered for some years a hobby that I now have time to finally develop. I like the interior decorations very much, make them (diy), recycle them, give them a new identity and always change them. Not that I would not like it anymore, but I just come up with new ideas.
I had 19 years long a cosmetic cabinet in Berlin which brought me a lot of satisfaction. That's why I write a "Beauty" section where I want to share my experience and help as many people as possible.
Travels are another passion for me. I like to know the world, habits, people and places. I will give you ideas and write about the experiences I have experienced. And I alsow read a lot of and inspired me from internet before going on a trip.
I started writing this blog because of several friends and acquaintances. I have no idea what's going to come out. I would greatly enjoy sending you comments, they will help me and that's why I thank you very much.
Buna! Ma bucur mult ca te afli pe blogul meu!
Ma numesc Simona, am 53 de ani dintre care 30 i-am trait in Timisoara iar restul in Berlin. Mi-am descoperit de cativa ani un hobby pe care acum am timp in sfarsit sa-l dezvolt. Imi plac foarte mult decoratiile interioare, sa le fac (diy), sa le reciclez, sa le dau o noua identitate si sa le schimb mereu. Nu ca nu mi-ar mai placea, ci pur si simplu imi vin idei noi.
Am avut 19 ani un cabinet cosmetic in Berlin pe care l-am construit de la zero si care mi-a adus multe satisfactii. De aceea n-am putut sa nu trec in blog si o rubrica "Beauty" unde vreau sa impartasesc din experienta mea si sa ajut cat mai multe persoane.
Calatoriile sunt o alta pasiune a mea. I-mi place sa cunosc lumea, obiceiuri, oameni si locuri. Va voi da idei si voi scrie despre experientele ce le-am trait. Si eu citesc mult si ma inspir din internet inainte de a pleca intr-o calatorie.
Am inceput sa scriu acest blog la indemnul mai multor prieteni si cunostiinte. Habar n-am ce o sa iasa. M-as bucura tare mult sa-mi trimiteti comentarii, ma vor ajuta si de aceea va multumesc din suflet.
Hi! I'm so glad you're on my blog!
My name is Simona, I'm 53, 30 of them lived in Timisoara and the rest in Berlin. I have discovered for some years a hobby that I now have time to finally develop. I like the interior decorations very much, make them (diy), recycle them, give them a new identity and always change them. Not that I would not like it anymore, but I just come up with new ideas.
I had 19 years long a cosmetic cabinet in Berlin which brought me a lot of satisfaction. That's why I write a "Beauty" section where I want to share my experience and help as many people as possible.
Travels are another passion for me. I like to know the world, habits, people and places. I will give you ideas and write about the experiences I have experienced. And I alsow read a lot of and inspired me from internet before going on a trip.
I started writing this blog because of several friends and acquaintances. I have no idea what's going to come out. I would greatly enjoy sending you comments, they will help me and that's why I thank you very much.
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